The catchy phrase these days is, "I need a vacation from my vacation," because of the aggressive nature of leisure in our Western society. Black Recess© is a social initiative that seeks to reframe the Black mind's perspective towards leisure and ease.
I invite participants to a well-curated, unconventional, outdoor/indoor/virtual ritual space where we engage in healing and leisure activities. I refer to Black Recess© as a ritual space because I intend for the event to reflect the depths of our intentions and to serve as a magical playground for our inner child.
In the Ancient Healing Wisdom of Africa, Dr. Patrice speaks on how we do not have control over ritual, but ritual organically unfolds and guides us. Attendees who are uninhibited and engage with the sensory elements around the space get the most out of the event.
Black Recess© is a transferable event that can adapt to any space or location. In 2019, Black Recess© (vol. I-III) was hosted respectively at Jacob Riis Beach, Prospect Park, and my abode. Black Recess© also hosted its 1st annual Black Wellness Bazaar© in April 2021. This event was an intimate wellness fair and day retreat curated as a therapeutic gateway to heritage and healing. The Black Wellness Bizarre© sought to create a safe space where people of color did not need to conform to culturally insensitive societal standards.
The key takeaways I gathered from these events are that no one ever knows what to expect, and many people already have some resistance because of how little they are required to do.
​​​​​​I'll receive questions like, "So what's next?", "What can I help with?" "can/may I do?", and, most recently, "It sounds like shadow work…”. The first revelation is that, naturally, Black people get sketched out by the unknown. Then, I realized that many Black people seek permission to relax because they deem themselves unworthy or believe leisure is only for the elite.
The Black Community views healing as a luxury, so we constantly avoid emotional traumas because that takes time away from daily responsibilities.
If you examine the history of servitude in the American context, Black people assumed the roles of helpers, societal batteries, and the workforce that kept America up and running. However, Black Folx were often punished if ever we got tired or decided to stop to rest. We got disciplined if we sang our homeland hymns. We got reprimanded if we danced. If we spoke too loudly... Do you get the picture? Black Folx had to hand over their right to leisure and self-expression.
And, honestly, nothing has changed but the types of punishments, such as sudden termination, workplace harassment, target for discriminatory practices, and excessive workloads.
So, when I infuse wellness and leisure into a curated ritual space, it's like a double espresso shot that reinvigorates the spirit. Black Recess© loosens the shackles of social conditioning and holds space for attendees to experience their authentic selves. To date, all attendees leave Black Recess© feeling nourished, refreshed, and inspired. This is the essence of Black Recess©.
Black Recess© Recap
Quarantine Mixtape Series on Spotify
Quarantine Mixtape Series on Spotify
Community discussions during quarantine to foster connectivity.
Community discussions during quarantine to foster connectivity.
Black Recess© Reviews:
“When I think back to my experience with Black Recess© at Prospect Park, my thoughts are underscored by a deep sense of gratitude. Traversing the winding paths and lively scenery felt like a mini-adventure in itself. And at the end of my proverbial quest, there was indeed a priceless treasure…the opportunity to be; my whole Black ass self in an environment that was thoughtfully curated, to encourage and support community, wellness, mindfulness and play. The latter element, perhaps being the most essential to the spirit of Black Recess©. What does it mean to purposefully withdraw from the day-to-day hustles, pressures and pains of existence, particularly as a Black person in America? I got to enjoy yoga/meditation; playing group games; lounging on colorful furniture; as well as some good eats. In my time there, I was able to totally focus on the present; my companions; our surroundings and maybe most importantly, intentionally honoring myself in those separate special moments. 

When I left, I felt lighter but also simultaneously full. We would all be so fortunate to be able to partake in something so, unpretentious, fulfilling and freeing especially when culture/society typically dictate that we pour the bulk of our energy into doing. Black Recess© allowed me to just be.”
Black Recess© was a safe space for black folks, from any background to come let their hair down, unwind, fellowship, and release. 
My initial impression was the environment was very peaceful, warm, welcoming. 
As I settled in, there was a sense of belonging and flexibility to engage or just spectate. There was wonderful organic and delicious locally sourced food items, yoga mats, blankets and music. 
We ate, hydrated, there was camaraderie, time of reflection, yoga session, libations, mary jane, and naps were taken lol. 
we then had a send off and everyone was free to mingle or disburse in their own time.”
-Anonymous ​​​​​​​
Black Recess© Directory of 
Black Childhood Games
Black Childhood games
Black Childhood games
Example of the template
Example of the template
Black Recess©: Inner Child Diaries

As a part of the Black Recess© leisure initiative, Militant Unicorn© started doing these candid inner child interviews to uncover some of the conditioning that informs how Black and Brown folx experience wellness and leisure. Take a look at what these beautiful strangers had to say.
Militant Universe© Presents: 
Black Wellness Bazaar© (2021)
Black Recess: 
Detention With Yo Best Fren Documentary©
Black Recess: Detention With Yo Best Fren© illustrates the shadow work of a deeply wounded individual. This documentary follows
Militant Unicorn© during the 2020 pandemic as they analyze their lack of progress. The main character, Militant Unicorn©, experienced a great deal of heartache at the hands of those they cared about most. It was a struggle to find belonging after having lost community and identity.
The question is, who are we without the validation of others? Do we still have the courage to follow our heart's desires without the support of our peers?
It was hard for the main character to come to terms with the fact that they facilitated their own heartbreak. They made their love transactional by doing acts of service in exchange for acceptance.​​​​​​​
They did not feel worthy of love any other time.
So when people began to withdraw their cup of love and reassurance, Militant Unicorn© started feeling resentment. They realized they were begging to be loved and accepted because they did not value themselves.
Militant Unicorn's© self-worth was dependent on how others received them. Now in isolation, they are challenged with the work of validating and loving themselves.
The work required them to dismantle negative thoughts implanted in them since they were young. They had to realize they were good enough and did not have to be anything else to be worthy of love.
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